Quick Welcome and Overview of the Course


Thank you so much for joining me!

I am excited to be able to help you make a plan to prepare your child for end of year testing!

I tried to make videos to make this course more fun and easy to digest, but honestly, I couldn't figure out how to sound upbeat!

As both a teacher and a parent I have collected the easiest and most successful tips for preparing for testing.

As the end of the school year approaches, the parents of students in my class start asking how they can help their child.

I put together this course, How to Prepare for End of Year Testing, to reach all the families that are looking for help. I want every child and every family to feel like they are ready to do their best!

Get ready...

You might not realize it, but now is the time to start preparing. Many states are now using testing at the end of the year to measure student growth and proficiency.

No matter which state you live in, the tips and techniques in this course will help you and your student.

This course is laid out to follow the last 6 weeks of school, although many of the tips can be used starting the first day.

You will learn:

  • Habits to start immediately
  • Common testing vocabulary
  • Time Management Techniques
  • How to answer different types of test questions
  • And, tips and strategies for reading comprehension and math

I hope that you are ready and eager to start getting ready for end of year testing

or... at least ready to be the best prepared!

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